How to build partnerships with the media

Your presence as an online brand could really benefit from public relations. Kaitlin Zhang and Dannielle Bardowell have some tips on how you can build partnerships with the media. 

Main Takeaways

  1. Start with smaller trade publications.

  2. Only engage with the media when you have something valuable to say.

  3. Build long-term relationships with journalists (nourish that relationship).

Actionable next step

Identify 3 reporters in your industry that you can follow and support their work. Start growing your target media list from then on.


0:15 How to approach partnering with the media

1:43 Benefits of partnering with the media

5:51 Situations where you may need to separate from a media outlet

7:58 Why you should partner with the media despite the negative connotations behind it


Guest Speakers, Sponsors and the Media will Make Your Events Rock


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Kaitlin Zhang

Kaitlin Zhang is the CEO of Oval Branding, a cross-border branding agency specialising in tech, financial services and government. Kaitlin is Chinese Canadian living in London with international work experience in Vancouver, Shanghai and San Francisco. Kaitlin also works as an award-winning speaker.


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