How to choose your core platform

Your core platform is your brand's stage, where you can show your audience what you're all about, whether that's on your personal website, your LinkedIn, or elsewhere. Listen to Kaitlin and Dannielle discuss how to choose your core platform on this episode of the "Personal Branding Success in 10 Minutes" podcast. 

Main Takeaways

  1. Your platform is the core place on the internet where you showcase your brand. 

  2. Your platform can be your personal website, Linkedin, Youtube, Instagram or any other website or social media platform. 

  3. Your platform is the first place you want visitors to go, and to keep in touch.

Actionable next step

Choose your main platform and think about the improvements you can make with it, now that you understand its importance.


0:14: What does "core platform" mean? 

2:53: Examples of platforms

5:19: Kaitlin's main platform 

6:24: What are some of the things I need to identify about my brand before choosing a core platform?

7:19: How does my core platform contribute to my brand's narrative?


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Kaitlin Zhang

Kaitlin Zhang is the CEO of Oval Branding, a cross-border branding agency specialising in tech, financial services and government. Kaitlin is Chinese Canadian living in London with international work experience in Vancouver, Shanghai and San Francisco. Kaitlin also works as an award-winning speaker.


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