The Importance of Personal Branding for Women
For International Women's Day 2021, we speak to a phenomenon woman and a friend of Oval’s, Karen Gamba, about the importance of personal branding for women.
How Personal Branding Landed Me a Job In Bangkok, Thailand
This is a guest blog by Leah Gervais of Urban20Something. This is the story of how personal branding helped Leah land a job in a foreign country along with the 5 specific steps she took to build her brand.
Interview with Neil Marshall, The ChangeSchool Entrepreneurship Program
I interviewed Neil Marshall, the Development Director of ChangeSchool. We talked about his Start-Up Program in London, the 4 most common mistakes entrepreneurs make and his recommended books and resources.
Interview O2 Think Big Project Leader Kaitlin Zhang
If you are an Entrepreneur or looking for a career change, Kaitlin Zhang will help you make amazing connections and build your brand reputation online.
An Interview with Kaitlin Zhang at PBEX International Personal Branding Week 2016
Personal branding has been steadily gaining popularity in the last few years. It has become increasing important for anyone who wants to differentiate themselves from the competition.