Interview O2 Think Big Project Leader Kaitlin Zhang
If you are an Entrepreneur or looking for a career change, Kaitlin Zhang will help you make amazing connections and build your brand reputation online.
An Interview with Kaitlin Zhang at PBEX International Personal Branding Week 2016
Personal branding has been steadily gaining popularity in the last few years. It has become increasing important for anyone who wants to differentiate themselves from the competition.
Kaitlin Zhang Speaks at Twitter Influencer Networking Event - NatWest Women In Business
I share my Twitter strategy, which is aimed at building personal relationships with individuals. My Twitter mission is to share the most valuable content with my audience and inspire them with my journey as a personal branding consultant.
7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Personal Brand On Linkedin
If you want to attract better opportunities, gain more influence in your field or connect with the right people, learn these 7 steps to build the perfect Linkedin profile.
Personal Branding Masterclass 2016 with Kaitlin Zhang at O2 Think Big Hub
Personal branding consultant Kaitlin Zhang hosted a masterclass with 5 amazing speakers at the O2 Think Big Hub in London, June 2016.
Personal Branding Masterclass 11 June 2016 London
No matter who you are and what industry you are in, a strong personal brand online can help you be more visible, secure a great job, and be more influential as you advance your business and career.
4 Tips to Improve Your Personal Brand Over A Weekend
Having a strong, respected, and most importantly, visible personal brand will have exponential effects on your career and business in the long run.