How to optimize your LinkedIn profile

Your Linkedin profile can say a lot about your personal brand online. Grab a seat and listen to Kaitlin Zhang and Dannielle Bardowell discuss how you can optimize your LinkedIn profile. 

Main Takeaways

  1. Have a great photo and banner image on your Linkedin.

  2. Carefully craft your title.

  3. Fill out as much information as you can.

Actionable next step

Take a look at the example Linkedin profile that Kaitlin made.


0:16 Impactful changes you can make to your LinkedIn

2:13 Example of a good LinkedIn profile

4:08 Kaitlin's approach to writing a good summary/overview

5:48 Criteria for connecting with someone on LinkedIn


7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Personal Brand On Linkedin


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Kaitlin Zhang

Kaitlin Zhang is the CEO of Oval Branding, a cross-border branding agency specialising in tech, financial services and government. Kaitlin is Chinese Canadian living in London with international work experience in Vancouver, Shanghai and San Francisco. Kaitlin also works as an award-winning speaker.


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