Growing a Business During the Pandemic — Kaitlin Zhang's Interview with Flourish Digital Magazine

This interview was originally published in Flourish Digital Magazine on the 9th of May, 2021.

In May 2021, I was interviewed by Karen Gamba and Frank Carlisi of Flourish Digital Magazine about my take on how to effectively brand a business and grow, especially during these trying times. In addition to this, I also expounded on how I have managed to continue scaling and growing despite the challenges imposed by the pandemic.

Kaitlin, you run an international business. How have you managed to grow and keep scaling during the pandemic?

This year 2020 wasn’t an easy year for any business owner. Even if your business was lucky enough to grow during the pandemic, it must have included many challenges and sacrifices. And if your business struggled during this difficult time, I want you to know that you are not alone and to just keep going. Staying in business is a huge accomplishment in itself.

For us, Oval Branding was in the privileged position to grow and expand in 2020 with clients in the UK, China, the USA, and Canada. I feel that this growth is a result of the hard work of every previous year, as we continue to make our branding and marketing services competitive. My vision for the business is very long-term, so I took the quiet time in 2020 to reflect and pare down. 

"Sometimes by doing less, we can accomplish more"

For example, we purposely scaled down our blogging and social media. I only wrote when I had something new and valuable to say. I was also more selective in the type of speaking opportunities I took on. With the time I saved, I focused more on adding value to existing client projects. 

My hope for 2021 is that we can take on projects where we can add the most value through our cross-border marketing and branding skill sets, and work on projects that resonate with our hearts. 

In a world of Zoom fatigue, what is a good way to connect with new clients and grow relationships virtually?

I found it easier to reconnect with old relationships via text messages, or a quick phone call to say hi. Building on existing relationships can be more fruitful than finding new ones. I prefer conversations that are more personal and meaningful so we can connect on a more human level rather than purely about business. 

And lastly, for anyone who is working from home, it is especially important to manage your energy level and your screen time. Energy management is the new time management.

What advice do you have for any individual or business who has no idea how to approach branding for themselves or their business? Where is a good place to start?

The first objective for any branding activity is to understand the brand positioning. That means clarifying your offering (product or service), your target audience, and how you differ from your competitors. You can start by talking to who you think your target audience is about your product or services. And no, your immediate family and close friends don’t count. 

I mean those people in your target audience who can tell you the truth without worrying about hurting your feelings. This is not easy, but the insight you’ll gain will be invaluable. 

Ask them what is important to them and which competitors they might choose and why. As you talk to more and more people, you can start to refine your actual target audience, and come up with the best way to describe your business and your unique value position. 

For more established businesses, what advice do you have for businesses that are trying to elevate and grow their brand during the pandemic?

Brands that deeply understand and care about their customers are able to come up with the most authentic communication strategies. During the pandemic, many people are anxious, isolated and struggling. How can your products or services add value to people’s lives in this difficult time?  

Any words of encouragement or advice for businesses that are struggling as the pandemic stretches on?

In an emergency you are supposed to put your own oxygen mask on. So please take care of yourself first before your work. Find your core support group and keep cheering each other on.


About Flourish Digital Magazine

Flourish: to grow luxuriantly, to thrive & achieve success, to prosper, to be In a state of production.

Flourish Digital Magazine is a glamorous, upscale lifestyle publication… a life phenomenon that flows through their digital magazine, their website, and via online and live events.

Their content is designed to inspire, motivate and compel readers to live their best lives: personally, professionally, socially, and spiritually. It offers a full-body-felt-perception and a three-dimensional understanding that feels wonderful. Their writers, contributors, and editors share ways to thrive, prosper and flourish.

Kaitlin Zhang

Kaitlin Zhang is the CEO of Oval Branding, a cross-border branding agency specialising in tech, financial services and government. Kaitlin is Chinese Canadian living in London with international work experience in Vancouver, Shanghai and San Francisco. Kaitlin also works as an award-winning speaker.


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